For Astorath I am using some Sanguinary Guard parts, with some skulls added to the knee pads. His axe is formed of a Death Company thunder hammer with the head replaced with a Sanguinary Guard axe. I have also managed to get hold of another Dante back pack the same as my other characters have so he will match.For the Sanguniary Priests the major problem is the Narthecium. I seem to not be the only BA player who is after one of these and they can not be found in stock on any of the bitz sites, and I didn't fancy paying £20 for a box set for one part. And really I'd need three anyway, so I asked around the club and Ken had one so i thought it was about time I had a go at some mould making. (NOTE: This is a grey area of copyright law, but as I am only making a few, and am not reselling, I think I am ok!)
The First step is to make the mould out of green stuff pressed into a spare base. This is two parts, plus a smaller mould for the vials, which although I could easily make from plastic rod i though I would have a go at the same time.
Next its time to grease up the moulds with a releasing agent. There are all sorts of suggestions out there, cooking oil, vaseline, but I went with some handcream I use for stopping putty sticking to me or my sculpting tools.The mould is then filled with Miliput and clamped until it is completely cured.
After it is removed from the mould and cleaned up it looks pretty good.
I then removed the hand and replaced it with one holding a bolt gun and cleaned up and modified some detail with some green stuff.
I am pretty please with how this has come out, now I need to make two more. The final thing I have got done so far is to fill the crosses on some death company items so I can use them on my Sanguinary Priests. This is rally easy to do since they are marked just by some recesses in the items so it is quite quick to fill them with some putty to smooth out the surfaces,
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