Edit: Sorry the pics are so blurry!
Luke started with most of his force on my side of the river and had to take a power generator on the opposite side and the town, so he would be moving away from me and the objectives where near to him.
I closed as quickly as possible and started engaging the aliens, destroying the skimmer droid quickly and closing my bikes to the infantry sheltering behind the walls, while the alien heavy tanks used their anti-grav mobility to rush over the other side.
I moved my flyer into the middle of the bridge and de-bused and laid down heavy fire in all directions and inflicted heavy damage and destroyed one of the tanks that had moved to engage my armour, but in return they came under heavy fire and were almost wiped out.
Ben was making good progress on the other side, especially under the devastating cover fire of the walker, while my dice rolling was poor, and Luke's was very good, so I lost my armour and my jet-bikes, but on the other side Ben had driven them back and the aliens had no choice but to withdraw from their invasion.
We rolled up the battle of the pass so deployed our forces in a nice tight formation and I rushed forward. It was in this enthusiasm I made my first mistake, casting bestial surge I rushed forward, but opened up some gaps that enabled Duncan to move his fiends through and position them ready to attack the rear of my units.
I continued to charge forward, but my Minotaurs fell short, although my Gor and Ungor herds got in against the Daemonettes in what would be a prolonged combat as I desperately, and just about, held on turn after turn. The Minotaurs where charged by the Fleshhounds and the Horrors, who turned out to have the changeling leading them who is a horrible unit champion against unit like this. They promptly lost and fled only to rally in time to get wiped out by a second hound charge. My Giant had seen off one fiend and was now in combat with the hounds and had started jumping up and down on them
In the centre my shaman was desperately trying to avoid the other fiend, while on my left I had chased off the furies with one chariot and then attacked the other horror unit with all three and the Beastlord. They then turned and one engaged the fiend and the other two attacked and destroyed the bloodletters.
The giant had felled a number of the flesh hounds but this lack of armour bought him down. As my Beastlord in his chariot charged and despatched the enemy Battle Standard bearer on his disc he overran into the Daemonettes. And here he met his end, using the shadow spell mindrazor, Duncan made their strength equal to their leadership so they were striking at S8 and I was quickly chopped into bits ending the game.
It was a good game and Duncan's army is really tough. I made some mistakes, such as putting my general off to one side and not using my infantry blocks to support my chariots properly. I will need to learn from these error before the league roper starts.
While Rick was successful and even managed to destroy the supporting Infantry tank formation I was ruthlessly crushed very quickly as my armoured car formation where held back in reserve, the supporting fusileri where ruthlessly cut down by the machine gunned on the British Crusader tanks.
Next we set out to prevent the British attack out Tobruk. Having fallen back to opposite this break out we had re-enforced the defenders so we had a good numerical superiority, and with engineers even managed to out out some Barbed wire.As the British moved forward under cover of darkness with supporting infantry tanks we launched our platoon of L6/40 light tanks down the exposed flank and begun to attack their machine guns and mortars. This forced them to turn their tanks around and by some miracle we survived their gun fire. This brave attack was enough to distract the advance and prevent British victory.
The Axis then had an opportunity to launch an exploitation attack which I did, launching the victorious Ariete south at a battered British armoured regiment trying to break a weak pint in the British lines and isolate the forces attacking towards Tobruk. This should have been an easy victory as we had a major numerical advantage. However the ability of the British tanks to move and fire was decisive and they destroyed many of the Italian tanks. However while they were doing this the motociclisti platoons had moved on from their flanking manoeuvre and taken the objective to claim victory.
After all these games in the evening I was joined by Mike to take on Ian and Colin with my Eldar against the ongoing raids of Colin's Dark Eldar. This was a thoroughly enjoyable and close game. With three objectives evenly spaced along the table we had a firebase of Guardians and Dire Avengers with harlequin and war walker support on one flank and a mobile force of primarily Warp Spiders and Jetbikes on the other flank.
But it stared going wrong from the start when they stole the initiative and went first avoiding out heavy fore and destroying the warwalkers, and most importantly getting their raiders a lot closer to our lines. However we started to pull it back as we used our manoeuvrability to hit and destroy units were we wanted.
As the game progressed casualties mounted on both sides. In the games clear highlight my Farseer found himself in combat with a Talos, but somehow managed not only to survive, but to destroy it! By the end of the game all that was left were our two generals, a single harlequin, the second Talos and an immobilised Raider. With no troops to take objectives and both sides virtually wiped out it was a clear draw!