Thursday, 27 May 2010
Club Night 26th May
Saturday, 15 May 2010
Club Night 14th May
The Russian cavalry moved round both flanks of the much smaller Prussian army while the mass of infantry advanced in the centre. The Prussians immediately counted by moving their cavalry forward on the left and advancing one brigade directly at the Cossacks and opening fire at short range to drive them off and out of the battle. In the centre the elite grenadiers moved for wad into the fields by the village while the jagers occupied the outlying buildings.
The remaining Russian cavalry charged against the Prussian and rove them back in a series of melees that would move back and forth across the battlefield for the remained of the game. Meanwhile the Russian infantry deployed and began to advance on the Prussians. As the opening engagements began the difference between the quality of the opposing forces began to show as the Prussians, centred on their grenadiers, shrugged off the attacks, while the conscripts of the Russian observation corps fled under the unwavering platoon fire from their opponents.
The Russians finally launched their attack against the enemies centre and where repulsed, the Prussians then counterattacked and drove through the enemy centre as their 2nd brigade came around the Russians open left.
This was a very fun game, although we didn't have a single blunder all game! The difference in quantity looked daunting at first, but as the game progressed the difference in quality began to show.
Monday, 10 May 2010
Club Night 7th May

Sunday, 9 May 2010
Club Night 6th May

Tuesday, 4 May 2010
We took a Beastmen and Slaanesh Daemon army. With the Minotaurs and the Bestigors we had the hitting and the Fiends and Seekers gave us some speed. Our real trick was our herald with Great Icon of Despair and the Masque giving us a potential of -5Ld on a unit.
Game 1, vs Steve (Wood Elf) & Big Ron (Bretonnian) 2095 to 526
Steve has a Treeman and Ron blocks of knights. We were less worried by the knights than the Treeman as we had nothing with the hitting power to deal with. As it transpired we crashed through the centre with our main blocks and rolled up the flanks with fast troops, the Icon of Despair and Masque icon working perfectly. And in the end they put pay to the Treeman, the last unit alive we charged it from two directions, won the melee, but with a modified Ld of 3 being stubborn did not help it and we run it down for a decisive victory.
Game 2, vs Kev (Slaanesh Warriors of Chaos) & Colin (Dark Elf) 1554 to 1426With a centre piece of a chaos war shrine (unfortunately the picture didn't come out) and the cauldron of blood (above), Kev and Colin's army looked beautiful, and was going to cause us problems as they are very astute and capable players. However a hard fought game where we could not get to grips successfully with their chosen, while we protected out core and won the flanks, meant we had a draw at the end, a result I was very please with.
Game 3, vs Dave P (Dark Elf) & Dave H (Tzeentch Warriors of Chaos) 1190 to 1606
The final game of the day was against the two Daves. Dave P is a very smart player and Dave H has massive tournament experience so we would have to be careful. As it turned out the army played well and everything went to plan. With one exception... The hellcannon didn't fire a shot all game but did munch through a lot of our army while we could do little to slow it down, giving a victory to the Daves, but scoring a respectable tally for ourselves.
The evening was for the young people, Chris D and I could not keep the pace so had a quiet night with QI, but it meant I was refreshed and ready to go for Sunday.
Day 2
Game 4, vs Pete (Dark Elf) & Chris M (Vampire Counts) 1287 to 1290
Our first game was always going to be tough, again our opponents our top players who really know their armies. In addition I always struggle against Chris' undead. But again we maneuvered and avoid the units we could not manage, picked our fights and made sure we won then and again managed a high scoring draw.
Game 5, vs Jay (Ogres) & Dave S (Daemon) 2198 to 304
Our final game saw us take on Jay and Dave S with Ogres and Daemons. With a large unit of Fleshhounds this was going to be a tough proposition. Fortunately things went our way and we again used our speed to roll up the flanks, broke the Ogres and the big blocks of horrors, and then made hard work of the Fleshhounds but managed to grind our way through them rather than sweep them away.
Finishing 2nd was my best result at a WOFF and I both enjoyed and learnt a lot form playing with Daz. Now I just need to make sure I remember it all.