On a separate note, this Sunday, 28th at the Angel Centre, Tunbridge Wells, Cavalier will be the last outing for our 25mm Arab-Israeli which I am looking forward to.
Wednesday, 24 February 2010
Show Game update
Sunday, 21 February 2010
Club Night 19th February

After another salvo of fire from the Empire the Steam tank charged the Bestigors, now led by the Beastlord. Despite the loss of all the Bestigiors, I revealed my Stonecrusher mace and inflicted heavy wounds on the tank, and rolled an insane Bravery for my General to keep him in the fight. In retaliation I launched my charges, Chariots impacting along the line, but unfortunately held everywhere. By weight of number on my left, and by the insane bravado of the flagellants on the right. In the centre my Beastlord finished off the steam tank, while on my left the chariot broke and was run down, opening up a unit of Gors to be charged by the swordsman, free-company and war altar. Ont eh right the other Gors got in against the handgunners, but the chariots where destroyed by a flank charge from the spearman, despite finally finishing off the flagellants. On the other flank the knights had destroyed the Centigors and turned around to return to the fray on the centre.
The finally play was as the Beastlord charged the Grand Theogenist on his War Altar. Once again using his Stonecrusher mace he destroyed the War Altar and dodge the return blow from the Mace of Helstrom. In the next turn the Beastlord again stuck first, and landed all 4 attacks on his target, now no longer protected by the power of the War Altar. But disaster struck, only 1 wound was inflicted (despite only needing 2+ to wound), and the return below hit home and crushed the mighty Beastlord.
A victory for the Empire, but still some practice needed with the Beastman and they are definitely a more competitive army than they have been for some time.
Wednesday, 17 February 2010
Show Game update
Tuesday, 16 February 2010
Club Visit 15th February
My Brave Italians consisted of my commander, 3 Carri platoons, each of 5 tanks, 1 with improvised armour, a 2 group Bersaglieri platoon, a 3 gun Semovente platoon and 1 4 gun 75mm battery. This should give me plenty of Anti-tank to oppose the armour, a bit of manoeuvrability and the artillery s good direct and gives me the option to fire bombardments if I need to. Quite suitably the first mission was a 'Big Push' as the British tried to breach the Italian defences on the border. After working out all the defences I set up in two defensive boxes around the objectives, one with the infantry and Semoventes, the other with the artillery, and a bunker to the front of both, protected with layers of wire and mines.
Luke decided to concentrate his attack on his right, my left, against the artillery emplacement by advancing the Grants with the infantry in support, while the Crusaders protected their flank and the armoured cars ranged ahead of them. On the other flank the Shermans deployed ready to bombard the other box and attempt to destroy the Semoventes. After a massive preliminary bombardment by the RA the Italians had abandoned their vehicles and where pinned down, but had taken very light casualties.
The British advance began in earnest, but the Italians quickly reacted with devastating fire fro the Self propelled 75s, engaging and destroying the Shermans, forcing the crew of the remaining Sherman to abandon their post. On the other flank the armoured cars ruthlessly exploited a small gap in the defences and raced forward while the Grants tore up the wire to enable the supporting infantry to advance. Despite the artillery repeatedly pinning down the British motor infantry, they kept climbing back to their feet and advancing, right up to the minefield which they then cleared enabling the Grants to advance again, to catch up with the armoured cars and crusaders who had skirted the field.
In the centre heavy fire from the crusader two pounders pinned down the bunker while some of the British infantry flanked it, and then assaulted it and put it out of action. Meanwhile the heavy 75mm HE fire from the Grants was beginning to cause casualties among the Italian artillery and by the end of the game there was a single gun left operational. By now the Italian armour had begun to arrive and a fierce tank battle broke out around the objective, with the Semoventes and Bersaglieri anti tank guns joining in when any British armour strayed in range.
A highly accurate volley from the Grants destroyed an entire M14/41 platoon and things looked shaky for the Italians. The British had breached their lines and they were hanging on to the objective by the stubborn valour of the crew of a single 75/27 gun. But things were not so great for the British either. The defences had pushed them into the covering fire from the other box and a crusader platoon had been destroyed, and the Armoured cars and the other crusader platoon looked close to breaking. More fire from the embattled Italian tank crews caused the armoured cars to finally break, and when the crusader platoon broke as well, sweeping the C-in-C with them as he tried to hold their in the fight it was all over for the British. They had broken the lines but the cost had been two high.
Now with a Major victory for the Italians (despite their casualties they had only actually lost two Carri platoons in their entirety), the initiative has swung back to the axis and they will be the attackers in our next game.
Show Terrain Update
Sunday, 14 February 2010
Club Night 12th February
At the club we tried our first big multi-player Flames of War game using historical forces rather than points forces. Steve H and Rick took the Germans, defending the heights using the lovely resin trench line the club won as a show prize about a year ago and painted up by Steve K. Below is the German right under Steve H's command.

All in all we all agreed it had been a excellent game. The rules stood up to the multi-player and massed troops we deployed, the battle had been very close, and the Russian were all pleasantly surprised we had managed to breach the lines in an evening with minimal recycling required. Now we need to do a large desert game!
Wednesday, 10 February 2010
Club Night 5th February
Luke advanced his infantry against my dug in Bersaglieri on my right and deployed his armour opposite mine in the left. Despite the losses of my Semoventes my 88s inflicted damage before they fell and I managed to have some decisively accurate fire wit my armour to swing things my way on left, while my dug-in infantry resolutely held off the British Motor infantry on the other flank.
I now have to be honest. I don't remember who won. I think I did, but I can't be certain! It was certainly close. And we had time for a third game! This time a hold the line mission., and the Brits finally started defending. There where two objectives for the Italians to take, the first in some scrub on the British right, and the other behind the infantry dug-in on the ridge (below)
I decided to try and take the ridge was suicide, so sent my armour against it, while my Bersaglieri used the Avanti! rule to advance quickly on the other objective and then to dig in, with the Semoventes in support. In the opening salvos the 88s only managed to make the Shermans bail out before return HE fire destroyed them. Meanwhile my tanks advanced on the British armour, displaying the same elan the British had in their attacks. As shown below, they advanced on, closed with and actually passed through the enemy lines, managing to destroy the enemy armour by firing on its rear.
Much to my surprise this attack worked, and my infantry had occupied the other objective, although it was contested by a tank and armoured cars, neither side was able to inflict casualties on the other, the infantry too well dug-in to fear the machine guns of the enemy and their 2 pounders having no HE, and the infantry had no effective anti-tan weapons in a position to retaliate.
On the other flank, the 88 Commander led the surviving tanks across the ridge and on to the objective I had not expected to get near, the British infantry rushing out of their positions to contest it. Both forces were thoroughly battered buy this point, and the British had to take a company morale which they passed and so continued there desperate defence. It was then the turn of the Italians to take a Company morale, unfortunately the commander ad died leading the heroic charge of the Carri, and so the company automatically failed and the Italians surrendered, having been unable to break the British lines.
This was also the first game I had my own rule book for, and having read them some more, I think we are ready to try adding some artillery to the mix in the next game.