On the 28
th we gathered for a 40k apocalypse game. Rick and Mike took Imperial Guard, joined by Jim with his Space Wolves and Ken with his Grey Knights. Against them was Steve H with his Shadow Marines, Colin with his Dark
Eldar, and me with my
We deployed Steve with his marines to defend our deployment zone, while the enemy deployment zone was crammed with Imperial armoured vehicles.

Ahead of the Imperial forces dropped the Space Wolves. I committed some Jet Bikes and was stunned by their success against the Grey Hunters, at least while it lasted...

I then used our flank march stratagem to follow the Grey Knights onto the table with my Court of the Young King, including my brand new converted Shining Spears, who of course, died swiftly. Ambushed as I arrived I took heavy casualties, but still made major in-roads against the enemy

The enemy then turned a large portion of their armour to face me and I started to remove figures in large quantities! However I had made enough of a contribution by detracting from the front line. We managed a draw with both sides holding 3 objectives, including their vital objective. This was a close game and lots of fun, and I look forward to the next big game, and hopefully will not have to side with the hated Dark Eldar.