Friday, 29 July 2011
Blood Angels X
Monday, 25 July 2011
Dystopian War Crosses
Hope you find these as useful as I did.
Prussian Cross Decals PDF
Club Night 20th July
Still, a week later we managed to launch Ariete against a mixed Indian and armoured force in a hold the line scenario. The massed Italian armour advanced in a cloud of dust, with the AB-41 recon unit advancing out ahead towards the nearest objective, held by allied infantry.
I assaulted this light armour straight into the Indian defences and drove them back, pushing them off the objective.
A second assault by a supporting tank platoon took over from where the armoured cars had been destroyed by the Bofors guns and almost wiped out the defending platoon, dominating, but not taking the objective.
The Allies then sprung their ambushes, with the hidden 2 pounders firing into the flanks of the armour, with the MGs shooting up the supporting motorcilisti troops (we have a house rule for the desert that a foxhole can count as concealing terrain for the purposes of ambush, if what is in it receives concealment). In response I hurled all my armour into the area around the objective.
Unfortunately I chose to join a platoon that was just below half strength with my company commander, and despite both units being fearless, failed my motivation check, and the re-roll from the C-in-C. I now needed to push the enemy off the objective to claim victory before I had to take a company morale check. But Luke continued to deny me, by just getting his reserve Stuarts in a position to deny my victory time and time again (1 turn it was only by managing to re-crew an abandoned tank).
Despite how close I got, my troops were all bunched up and under continued artillery fire and anti-tank gun fire, and finally casualties mounted before I could drive the enemy back, and my company broke. To add insult to injury post game I had a battalion destroyed and another damaged in the campaign.
Club Night 22nd July
Set up was fairly simple as there was little room for subtlety between two forces primarily made up of knights with a smattering of light cavalry. I had the Lithuanians on my right, with the main Polish command in the centre and another on the left. The Teutons only had two commands. A large knight command containing the Brother knights and Brother Sergeant, deployed opposite the Poles and a command primarily consisting of Livonian and Prussian light horse against the Lithuanians.
All the command thundered forward, and impacted after a small exchange of bow and javelin from the lighter cavalry. The slightly heavier Teuton left began to drive back my Lithuanians and looked as if they were going to turn my flank, with one unit of cavalry breaking through and looting my camp.
In the centre and left it was fairly balanced as both sides pushed and shoved but failed to achieve a breakthrough or decisive combat, until I finally managed to bring a second unit against the enemy commander and his brother knight and cut him down, breaking his command and the enemy army. Unfortunately with the casualties I had taken and the sacking of my baggage my army was also demoralised and both armies quit the field with neither able to claim victory.
Tuesday, 12 July 2011
General musings
Other gaming coming up will be completing my Malifaux stuff before I end up ordering more stuff over Gencon as we are able to order the limited edition models from the web-store, which is a nice touch from the guys at Wyrd. I also have the latest Dystopian releases for my Prussians and the Helldorado rulebook on order so once these are released I will have some nice new releases turning up, and hopefully inspiring me.
Towards the end of this month I will try to get back in the swing of updating every week after Friday club night. Thanks for hanging in and still reading!We are not far off the 200th post now!
Club Meet 9th July
It was an exciting game, with most of it decided by a huge fight between the bulk of the Polish knights and the Teutonic brothers, as both sides drove parts of the other back and ground each other down. Once the flanks had been turned by the Polish alliance the Teuton centre begun to become enveloped and gradually the elite Teutons were destroyed and the Poles took victory.
Blood Angels XI
Club Sunday 3rd July
Saturday, 2 July 2011
Blood Angels VIII
My plan now is to paint my characters (Astorath, Chaplain and Librarian) so I have my army for the club league finished but for transfers and basing. After that there is just another assault squad, couple of tactical and devastator squads, my terminators and the dreadnoughts and the army is done unless I decide to go back and actually finish my drop pods, but probably not for a while.
Club Night 1st July
It begun to swing when the enemy infantry were pushed back into the city ruins, and the enemy artillery came in to play, while on the other side the Imperial heavy tanks finally bought down the Titan.
It came down to a close finally with the Eldar jet bikes trying to get the guard infantry out of the ruins and the armour swinging forward on the other flank as the Eldar heavy tank was destroyed leaving the flank with no armour support.
The Eldar reached their breakpoint first, but held on, but the guard reached there and their battle group broke gifting the Xenos a narrow victory.